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Tapestry Church in Claremont is a church rooted in the soil of the Gospel, planted in the city of Claremont. We desire to be a church that lives as a Family of Disciple-Making Missionaries who love Jesus, others and the city of Claremont.


GOSPEL: Jesus changes everything. It is his life, death, resurrection, and ascension that stands as the central focus of everything we do.


COMMUNITY: God is forming a family for himself. The Gospel brings us into a new community gathered around Jesus.


MISSION: Jesus gives us a new purpose. He calls us to reorient our lives around his purpose of making disciples by displaying and declaring the Gospel of grace.





Because we are a church that understands that the word “church” doesn’t mean a bible study, a building, or an event on Sunday – but the people of God gathering together – we do life together in this fashion. We gather together on Sundays, but we also stay connected in smaller ways throughout the week. If you are looking for a church family, we’d like to invite you to join us at one of the following expressions of Tapestry – by which we don’t “Go To Church” but WE ARE THE CHURCH!

Tapestry Church Clremont

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7



Mailing Address

112 Harvard Ave # 322

Claremont, 91711

United States



Gathering Address

450 West 2nd St.

Claremont, 91711

Sunday, 10 AM


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© 2017 Tapestry Church Claremont

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